Microsoft has recently announced the release of SCCM 2012 SP2 and SCCM 2012 R2 SP1. Before performing an SCCM 2012 R2 SP1 upgrade, we recommend that you read carefully all the available resources and carefully plan the upgrade process throughout your SCCM 2012 R2 hierarchy. The good news is that our SCCM 2012 R2 SP1 Upgrade Guide will list everything you need to know before applying this major upgrade to your existing SCCM 2012 installation. We’ve got you covered !

What’s new

The main reason you’ll want to upgrade to SCCM 2012 R2 SP1 is probably for Windows 10 support. No plan for Windows 10 deployment in your organisation? There’s interesting new features and a lots of bug fixes (thousands, which are not fully documented) in this release that are worth it. Do I still need to perform the SCCM 2012 R2 SP1 upgrade? See the full list of features on this Technet Article to figure it out.

Naming Confusion

Following the announcement, the community was confused on how to apply this Service Pack because Microsoft decide to release it under one binary even if there’s 3 possible “version” of SCCM 2012. (SCCM 2012 RTM, SCCM 2012 SP1, SCCM 2012 R2)

  • If you’re running SCCM 2012 SP1 (non-R2) the upgrade process will bring your site to SCCM 2012 SP2
  • If you want to upgrade to SCCM 2012 R2 SP1 afterward, you’ll need to run another executable which will enable the R2 features
  • If you’re already running SCCM 2012 R2, the upgrade process will bring your site to SCCM 2012 R2 SP1

Fellow MVP Jason Sandys explain all the upgrade options in an excellent post. The key is really to understand the upgrade process by identifying your actual version and the desired final version.


Our post focus on what needs to be done to upgrade a stand-alone SCCM 2012 R2 Primary Site to SCCM R2 SP1. This post is not covering all the requirements and checklist steps needed if you’re running SCCM 2012 SP1 (non-R2).

If you have a hierarchy with a Central Administration Site and multiple Primary Site, start with the top of the hierarchy (CAS) and go down, upgrading all Primary Sites and Secondary Sites.

If you’re already running SCCM 2012 R2, the upgrade process won’t do a site reset :

From Technet: When you run this upgrade, it enables additional capabilities throughout your hierarchy. Because this upgrade enables additional functionality and does not upgrade features and components, there are no considerations or changes to settings or site system roles as there is when you install a new service pack.

Database Replication

If you have a database replica for management point, disable Database replication. If you don’t use this function, skip this step and go to the Backup and Testupgrade section

  • Open the SCCM Console, browse to Administration / Site Configuration /Servers and Site System Roles
  • Select the Site System that hosts the management point that uses the database replica
  • Right click Management point and select Properties

sccm 2012 r2 sp1 upgrade

  • On the Management Point Database tab, select Use the site database and click Ok

sccm 2012 r2 sp1 upgrade

  • Connect to the SQL server hosting the replica databases
  • Open SQL Management Studio
  • Go to  Replication / Local subscription
  • Right click the replica and select Delete. Select Yes to the warning prompt

sccm 2012 r2 sp1 upgrade

  • Right click the publisher database and select Delete. Select Close existing connections and click OK
  • Connect to the SQL server hosting the site database
  • Open SQL Management Studio
  • Go to Replication and select Disable Publishing and Distribution

sccm 2012 r2 sp1 upgrade

  • On the next screen, click Next
  • Select Yes, disable publishing on this server and click Next, Next, Next
  • Click Finish

Backup and TestUpgrade

  • Before upgrading, perform a backup of your SCCM database.
  • It is recommended to test your CM database before the upgrade.  Detailed procedure is available on Technet, here’s the resumed version :
    • Backup your site databse
    • Restore it on a SQL server running the same version as your SCCM SQL instance
    • On the SQL server, run the SCCM setup command line using the Testdbupgrade switch
    • Open the log file on C:\ConfigMgrSetup.log
    • If the process is successful, you can delete the database copy
    • If you have errors, resolve them on your SCCM server, do a new backup and restart this procedure

sccm 2012 r2 sp1 upgrade

After you successfully upgrade a copy of the site database, proceed with the “real” upgrade.

Running Console

Close all running console on the server. Check also if remotely logged users are running the console in their sessions. The setup won’t check that and you’ll endup having an error in the installation log at the end of the process.

ERROR: Configuration Manager console uninstallation failed. Check log file ConfigMgrAdminUISetup.log.

4410 (98)


The installation process is not like a CU installation. The user experience is like a new SCCM installation.

  • Download the necessary files. You can download the file from the Technet Evaluation Center. The non-eval files will be available on the Microsoft Volume Licensing Site on May 27th. You can install the evalutation version on a non-eval site without problem, it won’t “convert” your site to an evaluation version.
  • You’ll notice that there’s 2 available SP2 executables.
    • Refer to the table in Jason Sandys post to understand which one to run. (Depending of your actual site version and the desired final version)

sccm 2012 r2 sp1 upgrade

  • In our case, the site is already R2 so we extract the SC2012_SP2_Configmgr_SCEP.exe to a folder and execute Splash.hta
  • On the main menu, select Install

sccm 2012 r2 sp1 upgrade

  • On the Before You Begin screen, click Next

sccm 2012 r2 sp1 upgrade

  • On the Getting Started screen, select Upgrade this Configuration Manager site

sccm 2012 r2 sp1 upgrade

  • On the Microsoft Software License Terms, check I accept these license terms and click Next

sccm 2012 r2 sp1 upgrade

  • On the Prerequisite Licenses, check all 3 boxes and click Next

sccm 2012 r2 sp1 upgrade

  • On the Prerequisite Downloads screen, specify a location to download the prerequisite files. This folder can be deleted after the upgrade process

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  • The prerequisite files are downloading

sccm 2012 r2 sp1 upgrade

  • On the Server Language Selection screen, select the language you want to display in the SCCM Console and Reports

sccm 2012 r2 sp1 upgrade

  • On the Settings Summary screen, you will see that you are performing an Upgrade

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  • The Prerequisite Check is running

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  • You should have no errors since your site is already installed and running
  • Wait for Prerequisite checking has completed and click on Begin Install

sccm 2012 r2 sp1 upgrade

  • The installation is in progress. The installation will run for about 30 to 45 minutes depending of your server specifications
  • You can follow the progress by clicking the View Log button or open the ConfigMgrSetup.log file on the C:\ drive

sccm 2012 r2 sp1 upgrade

  • Wait for Core setup has completed and close the wizard

sccm 2012 r2 sp1 upgrade


Once the setup has completed, there’s a couple of check that you can make to be sure the upgrade process was successful.

  • C:\ConfigMgrSetup.log  – Display detailed installation steps

sccm 2012 r2 sp1 upgrade


  • Open the SCCM Console and click on the upper left corner on the blue arrow and select About Configuration Manager
  • The Console has been upgraded to SP1
    • A new addition is the Site version which was not available on this screen before

sccm 2012 r2 sp1 upgrade


  • Go to Administration / Site Configuration / Sites
  • Right-click your site and select Properties
  • The Site Version and Build Numbers has been upgraded to 5.00.8239.1000

sccm 2012 r2 sp1 upgrade


The site server client version will be upgraded to 5.00.8239.1000. A full list of client version is available on this post.

sccm 2012 r2 sp1 upgrade

Boot Image

  • Go to Software Library / Operating Systems / Boot Images
  • You’ll notice that the Boot Images has been automatically upgraded on your distribution points

sccm 2012 r2 sp1 upgrade


  • Go to Software Library / Application Management / Packages
  • The Configuration Manager Client Package has been automatically upgraded on your distribution points

sccm 2012 r2 sp1 upgrade

Database Replication

Enable the database replicas for Management Points,  if it was configured before the upgrade.

Updating the Clients and Consoles

Once your site is upgraded, you need to upgrade the clients and console to SP1.


You can manually upgrade by browsing to .\ConfigMgrInstallationFolder\tools\ConsoleSetup and execute ConsoleSetup.exe on each computer running the console.

We suggest to create a package or application pointing on the same directory and deploy it using a collection.

All clients with the SCCM console installed

[pastacode lang=”sql” message=”” highlight=”” provider=”manual” manual=”select%20SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceID%2CSMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceType%2CSMS_R_SYSTEM.Name%2CSMS_R_SYSTEM.SMSUniqueIdentifier%2CSMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceDomainORWorkgroup%2CSMS_R_SYSTEM.Client%20from%20SMS_R_System%20inner%20join%20SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS%20on%20SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS.ResourceID%20%3D%20SMS_R_System.ResourceId%20where%20SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS.DisplayName%20%3D%20’System%20Center%202012%20R2%20Configuration%20Manager%20Console'”/]


To upgrade the clients, you have various options.

Automatic Client Upgrade

Using the Automatic Client Upgrade option, your client will be upgraded automatically within x days using the value specified

  • Go to Administration / Site Configuration / Sites
  • Click on the Hierarchy Settings button on the top ribbon
  • Check the Upgrade client automatically when new client updates are available
  • Select the desired number of days you want your upgrade to be run
  • A schedule task will be created on the clients and run within the specified number of days

sccm 2012 r2 sp1 upgrade

Client Push

Create manual collection and use the client push function to deploy your clients. This method gives you more control on the group of computer you are upgrading.

sccm 2012 r2 sp1 upgrade

I like to create a collection that targets clients without the latest SCCM 2012 R2 SP1 version. I use it to monitor which client haven’t been upgraded yet.

Here’s the query to achieve this: (You can also refer to our Set of Operational Collection Powershell Script which contain this query)

[pastacode lang=”sql” message=”” highlight=”” provider=”manual” manual=”select%20SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceID%2CSMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceType%2CSMS_R_SYSTEM.Name%2CSMS_R_SYSTEM.SMSUniqueIdentifier%2CSMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceDomainORWorkgroup%2CSMS_R_SYSTEM.Client%20from%20SMS_R_System%20where%20SMS_R_System.ClientVersion%20!%3D%20’5.00.8239.1000′”/]


You can run our Client Health Check custom report to track your client versions.

Additional reference

Microsoft SCCM 2012 R2 SP1 FAQ


Happy updating ! 🙂

sccm 2012 r2 sp1 upgrade

Comments (165)


08.13.2015 AT 02:19 PM
I'm on a test CM12 VM now. It has not been moved into production. Can I take a snapshot and run the Testdbupgrade with out having to copy over to another SQL box?

Benoit Lecours

08.13.2015 AT 03:30 PM
You could try but that is unsupported.


08.11.2015 AT 09:29 PM
Hi, Can any tell me how i can upgrade SCCM2012 R2 SP1 as I think it is RTM version. I installed SCCM2012 R2 SP1 successfully but when i clicked on Software Library then i cannot see the "Operating system Installer" link. Please guide me how i can get this link as SCCM console shows me "Operating System Images" link. Thanks, Adnan

Benoit Lecours

08.18.2015 AT 01:25 PM
It has been renamed to : Operating System Images and Operating System Upgrade Packages due to some confusion in the naming. Use Operating System Images for your custom WIM Use Operating System Upgrade Packages for full media

Selim Atmaca

08.06.2015 AT 06:46 AM
Thanks a lot for this great article. I just completed my upgrade and everything looks fine.

Benoit Lecours

08.12.2015 AT 08:03 AM
Thanks for the comment !


08.05.2015 AT 02:18 PM
Hello, I followed your article and my server updated just fine. here's my issue that I hope you can help with. I run the SCCM console on my local machine after I upgraded the server to SP1 following this article I can open the console on my server but I can't open it on my local machine anymore. I get a screen telling me "Configuration manager cannot connect to the site (site name here)" I have a "connect to site" button which when I click it has my servers name in there but still wont connect. what do I do now??? I also have 12 more users that have the console on their local machines too with the same issue

Benoit Lecours

08.05.2015 AT 02:25 PM
Hi Michael, Have you updated the console on your machines also ? Each console needs to be updated. See our "Updating the Clients and Consoles" section to know how to proceed.


01.10.2016 AT 02:34 PM
I've same situation. It's very weird, but after sucessfull upgrade I can connect to Site via old console. Upgraded console doesn't work. Maybe I should wait for finished background tasks after upgrade? I found great article that after upgrade Site is not fully operated: When I tried to upgrade first time, after success info I've the similar issues like he described - no info about component status, client agent still not updated etc. Unfortunately I wasn't wait and revert my Primary site and database site to 2012 R2 state 🙂 Now I'm going to be more patient 🙂

Adam Bise

07.29.2015 AT 10:48 AM
The file I used was SW_DVD5_Sys_Ctr_ConfigMgr_and_Endpnt_Prtctn_2012w_SP2_MultiLang_MLF_X20-21849.ISO


08.18.2015 AT 03:41 AM
i see that you used volume lic to grab the file. how did you go with this iso? as far as i know we should use different files for the upgrade, unless im wrong, thanks.

Adam Bise

07.29.2015 AT 10:50 AM
This was going from 2012 R2 to 2012 R2 SP1 BTW

Jose Gonzalez

07.23.2015 AT 10:47 AM
Hello Benoit, My question is also regarding the confusing file names. Our boss downloaded an .iso file from Microsoft Volume Licensing website and I want to make sure we are using the right one. We are currently on SCCM 2012 R2 CU2. We want to go to SCCM 2012 R2 SP1. The file that was downloaded for us to use is the following: SW_DVD5_Sys_Ctr_ConfigMgrClt_ML_2012_R2w_SP1_MultiLang_ConfMgr2_MLF_X20-21853.iso. When I extracted it, the only msi i found in there is the following: Configmgr2012R2SP1.msi When I run the splash screen clearly states the following: System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager SP1 and there is only Upgrade not Install option. Is this the right file for our environment??? Thanks in advance, Jose


07.23.2015 AT 11:37 AM
Jose, Just last night I upgraded our environment from R2 CU5 to R2 SP1. You definitely need to use SC2012_SP2_Configmgr_SCEP.exe, the size of which is 780,310 KB. Your boss can download it from the MVLS site.


07.23.2015 AT 12:27 PM
Jose, My bad. I was misinformed about the source of the file. We downloaded it from the TechNet evaluation site. Since we're already licensed it applied just fine:

Jose Gonzalez

07.23.2015 AT 12:46 PM
Right so since we are not getting it from the TechNet evaluation site, I wonder if the file is named differently on the MVLS site?


08.18.2015 AT 03:47 AM
Jose, there is no such as file available on MVLS, checked that multiple times and no luck, M$, it's a shame!


07.15.2015 AT 10:01 AM
Benoit Do you have any insight on how to create a package\program to upgrade the clients instead of the automatic option? -Tony

Benoit Lecours

07.21.2015 AT 07:59 AM
Hi Tony, The default client package will be automatically created with the SP1 bits.


08.18.2015 AT 03:49 AM
Hi Benoit, great post thx! how long it takes to create the packages, AFAIR with CU4 update i got straight away. i understand they should show under packages? thanks

Benoit Lecours

08.18.2015 AT 01:28 PM
The SP1 packages are not "separate" package as the CU one. It will update the default Configuration Manager Client Package.


07.02.2015 AT 04:21 PM
Thanks Benoit, very helpful. Had a new install of ConfigMgr 2012 R2 up and running, getting ready for migration from 2007. Went through the step by step to get the new server updated, no issues.

Benoit Lecours

07.06.2015 AT 10:06 AM
Thanks !


06.30.2015 AT 03:08 PM
Links to the Jason Sandys articles appear to be broken.

Nicolas Pilon

07.01.2015 AT 07:12 AM
On our side, the link is working. Are you talking about this one? Thanks

Hey Admin

07.01.2015 AT 11:47 AM
Interesting. Wasn't working yesterday but it's working now. Thanks.


06.15.2015 AT 04:11 AM
Hi Benoit, thanks for the guide. The update went fine, however I have a couple of issues, post-upgrade. The boot image aren't showing the update date as their "Last Update" and the client (only have 1 in the dev environment) isn't being updated, even though I have the server set to automatically update the clients. Under Packages, the Configuration Manager Client Package was updated, but under the sub-folder Configuration Manager Updates, where previous (CU1, CU2, etc) client updates are, there's no SP1. Thanks in advance, Dan

Benoit Lecours

06.15.2015 AT 10:50 AM
Hi Dan, For your installation error I suggest that you review the installation log. For your packages, SP1 doesn't create a specific client package as CU does. The default "Configuration Manager Client Package" is updated to the SP1 version. Hope it helps.


07.01.2015 AT 02:12 PM
Benoit, Great guide btw, I have 2 questions. 1. you said I don't need to create client package as CU, which I did for CU5. How does the existing CU5 clients gets updated to SP1? How do I manually upgrade them, with what package? 2. I had the same issue with SP1 not updating my boot image, saying it was customized. Do I need to update it? What is the boot image version for SP1?

Benoit Lecours

07.06.2015 AT 10:15 AM
1. The default Configuration Manager Client Package will be updated with SP1. To update your clients, use the methods provided in the guide 2. The boot image version is 6.3.9600.16384


08.18.2015 AT 03:58 AM
6.3.9600.16384 - is that the updated version? i can see this version but date created points to the time i applied CU4, any clue please? thanks


06.18.2015 AT 07:40 AM
Hi Benoit, thanks for your reply. The boot images I'm not too worried about, since I'm not using the Dev environment (nor the Live one for now) for OS deployment. Odd though, the log says SCCM is unable to automatically update customized boot images, though I don't remember changing. As for the client update, I managed to get past a few issues and while it's still not working, at least SCCM _is_ trying 🙂 The ccm.log shows the error "Execute query exec [sp_CP_SetLastErrorCode] 16777219, 0" after which it closes the request. On the client side, the ccmsetup log shows this: <![LOG[]LOG]!> It's odd that it says the site's version is 5.00.7958.1000 since it clearly isn't... Any thoughts? Dan


06.18.2015 AT 08:10 AM
Sorry, don't know why the log text was cut from my reply, I'll try again: <![LOG[]LOG]!>


06.18.2015 AT 08:12 AM
And again... this time without the opening and closing tags: Retrieved client version '5.00.8239.1000' and minimum assignable site version '5.00.8200.1000' from client package]LOG]!>]LOG]!><time="11:58:51.721-60" date="06-18-2015" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2644" file="ccmsetup.cpp:10802"


06.12.2015 AT 09:06 AM
So no need to upgrade the secondary sites? We have a single primary with 3 secondaries. Thanks.

Benoit Lecours

06.12.2015 AT 09:28 AM
Thanks for pointing that out, i'll update the article for secondary site. Yes, secondary sites must be upgraded to SP1. Go to : Administration / Site Configuration / Sites Check your secondary site version (add the column if necessary) Select your Secondary site and click Upgrade on the top ribbon Important consideration from Technet : When you plan to upgrade a secondary site that uses SQL Server 2012 Express with no service pack it is recommended to must first apply cumulative update 2 to the SQL Server 2012 Express installation on the secondary site server. This is because, when Configuration Manager installs SQL Server Express as part of a new secondary site installation, it installs SQL Server 2012 Express with no service pack and is unable to install the required cumulative update 2 as part of the installation. When you direct Configuration Manager to install SQL Server Express as part of a new site, the prerequisite check does not detect an existing installation of SQL Server Express, and then installs SQL Server Express as part of the site installation.


07.21.2015 AT 07:54 AM
Thanks for the info! Do you know if this Upgrade process forces all content (packages, applications, etc) to be redistributed from the primary site to the secondary site? The warning that you receive about needing to remove and re-install all site server components makes it seem as if the DP role would be removed.

Benoit Lecours

07.21.2015 AT 07:57 AM
No, content should not replicate after the upgrade


06.10.2015 AT 04:53 AM
Hello. Thanks for the tutorial. But I stuck on step "System Center Configuration Manger Setup Wizard", "Upgrade this Configuration Manager Site" radio button is grayed out, and unavailable. What might that be? Thanks in advance.

Benoit Lecours

06.10.2015 AT 07:43 AM
Which options are available ? Are you running the wizard on the server ? It must not be launch from your workstation.


06.10.2015 AT 07:58 AM
Thanks for reply. But i already resolved the issue by myself. I had this issue and edited the registry. I restored the registry and this helped to me. Thanks again.

SCOM Artist

05.20.2015 AT 08:37 AM
Wow that is very confusing. Thanks for the explanation and keep up the great articles!

Benoit Lecours

06.12.2015 AT 09:32 AM
Thanks !

SCOM Artist

05.20.2015 AT 08:14 AM
Hello, As always a very informative how-to. I am a little confused by "In our case, the site is already R2 so we extract the SC2012_SP2_Configmgr_SCEP.exe to a folder and execute Splash.hta". If you are already on SCCM 2012 R2, wouldn't you want to run the SC2012_R2_SP1_Configmgr?

Benoit Lecours

05.20.2015 AT 08:28 AM
No, if you're on R2 you have to run SC2012_SP2_Configmgr_SCEP.exe... It's not an error. This is why we created the Naming Confusion section. 🙂 The smaller .exe is just to enbale the R2 features which you don't need since you're already R2.