Microsoft has recently announced the release of SCCM 2012 SP2 and SCCM 2012 R2 SP1. Before performing an SCCM 2012 R2 SP1 upgrade, we recommend that you read carefully all the available resources and carefully plan the upgrade process throughout your SCCM 2012 R2 hierarchy. The good news is that our SCCM 2012 R2 SP1 Upgrade Guide will list everything you need to know before applying this major upgrade to your existing SCCM 2012 installation. We’ve got you covered !

What’s new

The main reason you’ll want to upgrade to SCCM 2012 R2 SP1 is probably for Windows 10 support. No plan for Windows 10 deployment in your organisation? There’s interesting new features and a lots of bug fixes (thousands, which are not fully documented) in this release that are worth it. Do I still need to perform the SCCM 2012 R2 SP1 upgrade? See the full list of features on this Technet Article to figure it out.

Naming Confusion

Following the announcement, the community was confused on how to apply this Service Pack because Microsoft decide to release it under one binary even if there’s 3 possible “version” of SCCM 2012. (SCCM 2012 RTM, SCCM 2012 SP1, SCCM 2012 R2)

  • If you’re running SCCM 2012 SP1 (non-R2) the upgrade process will bring your site to SCCM 2012 SP2
  • If you want to upgrade to SCCM 2012 R2 SP1 afterward, you’ll need to run another executable which will enable the R2 features
  • If you’re already running SCCM 2012 R2, the upgrade process will bring your site to SCCM 2012 R2 SP1

Fellow MVP Jason Sandys explain all the upgrade options in an excellent post. The key is really to understand the upgrade process by identifying your actual version and the desired final version.


Our post focus on what needs to be done to upgrade a stand-alone SCCM 2012 R2 Primary Site to SCCM R2 SP1. This post is not covering all the requirements and checklist steps needed if you’re running SCCM 2012 SP1 (non-R2).

If you have a hierarchy with a Central Administration Site and multiple Primary Site, start with the top of the hierarchy (CAS) and go down, upgrading all Primary Sites and Secondary Sites.

If you’re already running SCCM 2012 R2, the upgrade process won’t do a site reset :

From Technet: When you run this upgrade, it enables additional capabilities throughout your hierarchy. Because this upgrade enables additional functionality and does not upgrade features and components, there are no considerations or changes to settings or site system roles as there is when you install a new service pack.

Database Replication

If you have a database replica for management point, disable Database replication. If you don’t use this function, skip this step and go to the Backup and Testupgrade section

  • Open the SCCM Console, browse to Administration / Site Configuration /Servers and Site System Roles
  • Select the Site System that hosts the management point that uses the database replica
  • Right click Management point and select Properties

sccm 2012 r2 sp1 upgrade

  • On the Management Point Database tab, select Use the site database and click Ok

sccm 2012 r2 sp1 upgrade

  • Connect to the SQL server hosting the replica databases
  • Open SQL Management Studio
  • Go to  Replication / Local subscription
  • Right click the replica and select Delete. Select Yes to the warning prompt

sccm 2012 r2 sp1 upgrade

  • Right click the publisher database and select Delete. Select Close existing connections and click OK
  • Connect to the SQL server hosting the site database
  • Open SQL Management Studio
  • Go to Replication and select Disable Publishing and Distribution

sccm 2012 r2 sp1 upgrade

  • On the next screen, click Next
  • Select Yes, disable publishing on this server and click Next, Next, Next
  • Click Finish

Backup and TestUpgrade

  • Before upgrading, perform a backup of your SCCM database.
  • It is recommended to test your CM database before the upgrade.  Detailed procedure is available on Technet, here’s the resumed version :
    • Backup your site databse
    • Restore it on a SQL server running the same version as your SCCM SQL instance
    • On the SQL server, run the SCCM setup command line using the Testdbupgrade switch
    • Open the log file on C:\ConfigMgrSetup.log
    • If the process is successful, you can delete the database copy
    • If you have errors, resolve them on your SCCM server, do a new backup and restart this procedure

sccm 2012 r2 sp1 upgrade

After you successfully upgrade a copy of the site database, proceed with the “real” upgrade.

Running Console

Close all running console on the server. Check also if remotely logged users are running the console in their sessions. The setup won’t check that and you’ll endup having an error in the installation log at the end of the process.

ERROR: Configuration Manager console uninstallation failed. Check log file ConfigMgrAdminUISetup.log.

4410 (98)


The installation process is not like a CU installation. The user experience is like a new SCCM installation.

  • Download the necessary files. You can download the file from the Technet Evaluation Center. The non-eval files will be available on the Microsoft Volume Licensing Site on May 27th. You can install the evalutation version on a non-eval site without problem, it won’t “convert” your site to an evaluation version.
  • You’ll notice that there’s 2 available SP2 executables.
    • Refer to the table in Jason Sandys post to understand which one to run. (Depending of your actual site version and the desired final version)

sccm 2012 r2 sp1 upgrade

  • In our case, the site is already R2 so we extract the SC2012_SP2_Configmgr_SCEP.exe to a folder and execute Splash.hta
  • On the main menu, select Install

sccm 2012 r2 sp1 upgrade

  • On the Before You Begin screen, click Next

sccm 2012 r2 sp1 upgrade

  • On the Getting Started screen, select Upgrade this Configuration Manager site

sccm 2012 r2 sp1 upgrade

  • On the Microsoft Software License Terms, check I accept these license terms and click Next

sccm 2012 r2 sp1 upgrade

  • On the Prerequisite Licenses, check all 3 boxes and click Next

sccm 2012 r2 sp1 upgrade

  • On the Prerequisite Downloads screen, specify a location to download the prerequisite files. This folder can be deleted after the upgrade process

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  • The prerequisite files are downloading

sccm 2012 r2 sp1 upgrade

  • On the Server Language Selection screen, select the language you want to display in the SCCM Console and Reports

sccm 2012 r2 sp1 upgrade

  • On the Settings Summary screen, you will see that you are performing an Upgrade

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  • The Prerequisite Check is running

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  • You should have no errors since your site is already installed and running
  • Wait for Prerequisite checking has completed and click on Begin Install

sccm 2012 r2 sp1 upgrade

  • The installation is in progress. The installation will run for about 30 to 45 minutes depending of your server specifications
  • You can follow the progress by clicking the View Log button or open the ConfigMgrSetup.log file on the C:\ drive

sccm 2012 r2 sp1 upgrade

  • Wait for Core setup has completed and close the wizard

sccm 2012 r2 sp1 upgrade


Once the setup has completed, there’s a couple of check that you can make to be sure the upgrade process was successful.

  • C:\ConfigMgrSetup.log  – Display detailed installation steps

sccm 2012 r2 sp1 upgrade


  • Open the SCCM Console and click on the upper left corner on the blue arrow and select About Configuration Manager
  • The Console has been upgraded to SP1
    • A new addition is the Site version which was not available on this screen before

sccm 2012 r2 sp1 upgrade


  • Go to Administration / Site Configuration / Sites
  • Right-click your site and select Properties
  • The Site Version and Build Numbers has been upgraded to 5.00.8239.1000

sccm 2012 r2 sp1 upgrade


The site server client version will be upgraded to 5.00.8239.1000. A full list of client version is available on this post.

sccm 2012 r2 sp1 upgrade

Boot Image

  • Go to Software Library / Operating Systems / Boot Images
  • You’ll notice that the Boot Images has been automatically upgraded on your distribution points

sccm 2012 r2 sp1 upgrade


  • Go to Software Library / Application Management / Packages
  • The Configuration Manager Client Package has been automatically upgraded on your distribution points

sccm 2012 r2 sp1 upgrade

Database Replication

Enable the database replicas for Management Points,  if it was configured before the upgrade.

Updating the Clients and Consoles

Once your site is upgraded, you need to upgrade the clients and console to SP1.


You can manually upgrade by browsing to .\ConfigMgrInstallationFolder\tools\ConsoleSetup and execute ConsoleSetup.exe on each computer running the console.

We suggest to create a package or application pointing on the same directory and deploy it using a collection.

All clients with the SCCM console installed

[pastacode lang=”sql” message=”” highlight=”” provider=”manual” manual=”select%20SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceID%2CSMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceType%2CSMS_R_SYSTEM.Name%2CSMS_R_SYSTEM.SMSUniqueIdentifier%2CSMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceDomainORWorkgroup%2CSMS_R_SYSTEM.Client%20from%20SMS_R_System%20inner%20join%20SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS%20on%20SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS.ResourceID%20%3D%20SMS_R_System.ResourceId%20where%20SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS.DisplayName%20%3D%20’System%20Center%202012%20R2%20Configuration%20Manager%20Console'”/]


To upgrade the clients, you have various options.

Automatic Client Upgrade

Using the Automatic Client Upgrade option, your client will be upgraded automatically within x days using the value specified

  • Go to Administration / Site Configuration / Sites
  • Click on the Hierarchy Settings button on the top ribbon
  • Check the Upgrade client automatically when new client updates are available
  • Select the desired number of days you want your upgrade to be run
  • A schedule task will be created on the clients and run within the specified number of days

sccm 2012 r2 sp1 upgrade

Client Push

Create manual collection and use the client push function to deploy your clients. This method gives you more control on the group of computer you are upgrading.

sccm 2012 r2 sp1 upgrade

I like to create a collection that targets clients without the latest SCCM 2012 R2 SP1 version. I use it to monitor which client haven’t been upgraded yet.

Here’s the query to achieve this: (You can also refer to our Set of Operational Collection Powershell Script which contain this query)

[pastacode lang=”sql” message=”” highlight=”” provider=”manual” manual=”select%20SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceID%2CSMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceType%2CSMS_R_SYSTEM.Name%2CSMS_R_SYSTEM.SMSUniqueIdentifier%2CSMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceDomainORWorkgroup%2CSMS_R_SYSTEM.Client%20from%20SMS_R_System%20where%20SMS_R_System.ClientVersion%20!%3D%20’5.00.8239.1000′”/]


You can run our Client Health Check custom report to track your client versions.

Additional reference

Microsoft SCCM 2012 R2 SP1 FAQ


Happy updating ! 🙂

sccm 2012 r2 sp1 upgrade

Comments (165)

Christian Handschuher

09.21.2015 AT 03:15 AM
Hi Benoit, thanks for your post. I'm just wondering about this sentence: "In our case, the site is already R2 so we extract the SC2012_SP2_Configmgr_SCEP.exe to a folder and execute Splash.hta" If you are already at R2 stage, do you not need to use the R2 Upgrade? Cheers, Christian

Benoit Lecours

09.30.2015 AT 07:38 AM
If you're already running R2, just run the SP2.exe


09.20.2015 AT 01:48 PM
HI, 1. I am on SCCM 2012 R2 CU2 , do i need to go on CU5 first before upgrading to Sccm 2012 R2 Sp1. This Question is raised because ( , After you upgrade a central administration site to System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager SP1, replication between sites fails) 2. I have ADK 8.1 installed accross my org, is there any new version or can continue with it ) and also when has this to be done before running R2 SP1 or after upgrade 3. Also MDT 2013 is installed in my ORG do i need to install the MDT 2013 Update 1 version as well. PLease reply.

Benoit Lecours

09.30.2015 AT 07:40 AM
1. You can go directly to SP1, no need to apply Cu5 first. 2. You don't need to upgrade your ADK except if you need to deploy Win10. See my Win10 post for this. 3. MDT, same as #2.

T satish

09.17.2015 AT 08:47 AM
what about the Existing Remote site Management point and Distribution point upgrade roles from SCCM 2012 R2 to Sccm 2012 R2 SP1 upgarde?

Benoit Lecours

09.30.2015 AT 07:42 AM
You don't need to update remote MP and DP. Only site servers (CAS,Pri,Sec) and computer running SMS Providers.


09.17.2015 AT 08:18 AM
Hi I am planing to upgrade sccm 2012 R2 to Sccm2012 R2 SP1.This site really helps a lot. could you please suggest me How can i upgrade the existing remote site sytem roles for Management point and Distribution point which are configured on sccm 2012 R2. Regards, Satish Thota.

Benoit Lecours

09.30.2015 AT 07:42 AM
You don’t need to update remote MP and DP. Only site servers (CAS,Pri,Sec) and computer running SMS Providers.


09.16.2015 AT 11:52 AM
Questions about the Database Replication section. We had a Database replica at one point but that has been turned off for sometime in the SCCM Console. On the SCCM server that was hosting the replica I see there is nothing under Local Publications but there is still a Local Subscription. Under Subscription Properties the Status of Last Synchronization is the current date and time. Can it just be deleted? You say, Right click the publisher database and select Delete. Is this referring to the Replication/Local Publications? - as shown in the screenshot. The first screenshot you have is more or less what I am seeing on the SQL Server hosting the Site Database not the server hosting the replica.

David N

09.16.2015 AT 09:08 AM
How would one go about changing the underlying OS that the current SCCM 2012 R2 CU5 environment runs on from a 2008 R2 to 2012 R2 (OS) versions? Server 1: Primary site only, MP, DP, SUP, Application Catalog web service/website point WSUS/SCUP 2011 (using Enterprise PKI based certs on the same OS where SCCM) - but we're not using SSL to communicate with the sccm agents. While this server has MDT installed on it we don't use it... Server 2: Site db role/reporting services point w. SQL (would like to upgrade that to 2012 R2 OS and 2012 R2 SQL as well.) + about 35 other DPs wit PXE boot (2008 R2) - we can't change these OS' Proposed idea: Pause/Stop all deployments; backup SCCM & Backup SQL SCCM DB Make a note of the SCCM services and Set them to Manual then Turn off SCCM primary servers (this would aid in recovery/undo steps if needed later) Build two new VMs with 2012 R2 OS with the same name(?) - Reset AD account and the join new Server(s) to inherit the same SID. Installl SQL 2012 R2 Standard OS w SQL 2012 R2 on server Restore DB & permissions (local admin groups & SQL DB permissions) On SCCM 2012 R2 Standard OS Server - similar specs & drive layout/partitions etc. Restore all "source" files & shares to the same paths as on the previous OS Install software/patch prereqs Install WSUS prereqs (not sure on order?) Run the SCCM 2012 R2 SP1 setup and choose to recover site Install SCUP 2011 (?) - This may have to be done on another box due to WSUS/SCUP issues (suggestions?)


09.09.2015 AT 04:51 AM
I am currently running SCCM 2012 R2 and planning to upgrade to R2 SP1. The "Backup and TestUpgrade " process is mandatory because my database is configured on a different server where I don't have proper access to that. Can I run SC2012_SP2_Configmgr_SCEP.exe as it is?

Benoit Lecours

09.15.2015 AT 08:08 AM
It's strongly recommended but not mandatory, it will let you know if the upgrade will work or not.


10.13.2015 AT 09:36 AM
Question about the testupgrade. I'm assuming you run the testupgrade against the backup copy of the database?

Benoit Lecours

10.26.2015 AT 11:57 AM
Yes, you have to mount your CM DB on a separate server to do the TESTUPGRADE procedure.


09.08.2015 AT 06:06 AM
Hi Benoit, We are currently on CM2012 R2 CU4 and planning for SP2 and then to CU1. Can we directly update the clients from R2 to sp2 CU1 or first it needs to be updated to SP2 and then CU1?

Benoit Lecours

09.15.2015 AT 08:12 AM
I haven't test this scenario but I think you should be fine to go directly to SP1 CU1. I can't find any technet documentation concerning that scenario


09.04.2015 AT 01:58 PM
Thanks! You helped me upgrade our enterprise environment at our College District! 🙂 Have you ever seen this upgrade break a Distribution Point on a Windows Server 2008 SP1 Enterprise edition? After the upgrade, our primary site has been unable to send or update any deployment package anymore. I looked at the Configuration Manager Status message and it give me this message for all deployment packages that it's trying to deploy to it. The rest of my DP's are Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard and did not experience this issue. Would it be possible that Windows Server 2008 SP1 edition is not supported anymore by SCCM 2012 R2 SP1 update? I also upgraded our environment to CU1 and still same issue. Distribution Manager failed to process package "Configuration Manager Client Package" (package ID = CAS00002). Possible cause: Distribution Manager does not have access to either the package source directory or the distribution point. Solution: Verify that distribution manager can access the package source directory/distribution point. Possible cause: The package source directory contains files with long file names and the total length of the path exceeds the maximum length supported by the operating system. Solution: Reduce the number of folders defined for the package, shorten the filename, or consider bundling the files using a compression utility.

Benoit Lecours

09.15.2015 AT 08:19 AM
Yes, I've already seen this issue but with SP1 (the first SP1, non R2). Take a look at this thread and let me know if it works for you :

Michael Rowe

09.03.2015 AT 01:13 AM
Thank you for this! It was very helpful and worked a charm. Have you heard of anyone having OSD issues with installs from OS Upgrade Packages post 2012 R2 SP1 CU1 their upgrade? All of a sudden our OSD installs that use workgroup VMs start trying to talk to the MP designated with ccmsetup using /ccm_system_altauth as the request path during the client install. Which is odd for us, we need our workgroup installs to talk to an HTTP only MP which does not have that altauth app installed. Just curious if you have heard of anyone with a similar issue?

Benoit Lecours

09.15.2015 AT 08:22 AM
No sorry, never heard of that. Are you using any PATCH parameter in your client deployment ?

Michael Rowe

09.16.2015 AT 12:39 AM
Thanks for the reply! As it turns out our issue was with not pointing to the right MP to start with using the SMSMP parameter. I was pointing our Build and Capture task sequence to the HTTP MP direct and it would fail to hit the /ccm_system_altauth URL (which doesn't exist on that MP). After ensuring the HTTP MP was published in DNS (originally it wasn't) I was able to point the task sequence "Setup Windows and ConfigMgr" step to the primary MP (which is HTTP & HTTPS). Voila, the ccmclient during the Build and Capture TS is now able to talk to the MPs and gets directed to the HTTP MP even though the SMSMP parameter on ccmsetup is pointing to the HTTPS MP. The story has not yet ended though. We have B&Cs for Win7/8.1 & 10. The Windows 7 B&C successfully runs right through, it installs all applications (Office 2013, Adobe Reader etc) and captures. The Windows 7 installer is also an offline serviced install.wim with Windows Updates up to August all folded in. Works a charm. The Windows 8.1 image also has a bunch of updates folded in. It chokes installing the Applications though, so does the Windows 10 image and they do so in the same manner. Basically they try to pull the policy for the application install and they die, they die because they try and talk to the HTTPS MP (as far as I can see).. which of course they shouldn't they should talk to the HTTP MP and they do for everything else. Sigh. Google says that this is pretty common and people choose to install their apps by packages etc. It is just odd though, the same TS worked prior to our upgrade. Also to make it a little more odd and maybe annoying.. it does work for the Windows 8.1 B&C if we use the default ISO as the installer. So maybe it is a Windows Update somewhere that is now folded into Windows 10 by default. Ahhhh well. I give up, unless anyone has hints?? I think we might just move the applications into our final "Live" task sequences for deployment.


09.02.2015 AT 03:33 AM
Hi, How do SUP work between CAS and the primary sites? Does it work if only WSUS and SUP is install on CAS server and just SUP install for the rest of the primary sites and it will sync across the main catalog from the CAS? Or rather need to install WSUS and SUP individually for each primary sites to work for the synchronization of the catalogs? Does the replication between the SUP using sql replication via the sql broker and sql instance port? Thanks.

Stephen Owen

08.31.2015 AT 02:50 PM
Hi, I think this sentence should be updated. In our case, the site is already R2 so we extract the SC2012_SP2_Configmgr_SCEP.exe to a folder and execute Splash.hta Since we've got R2 already, the upgrade path for us would be R2 SP1, not SP2. Thanks!

Benoit Lecours

08.31.2015 AT 03:05 PM
Hi Stephen, Thanks for the comment. Even if you have R2, you need to use the SP2 bits to upgrade. The site will be R2 SP1 after the installation. This is well explained at the start of the article. Sorry if I misunderstand you 🙂


08.27.2015 AT 08:35 AM
Ive upgraded my site to 2012 R2 SP1 + CU1. With automatic update enabled. My workstations clients are slowly updating to the newest version, except any of the servers. The options under automatic update clients is de-selected so that should be ok, but somehow the servers are not getting the nesessary task.

Benoit Lecours

08.27.2015 AT 10:03 AM
How many days did you selected ?


08.27.2015 AT 01:57 PM
7 days. Also when i start several tasks cycle it wont create any task scheduler tasks.. (servers)

Benoit Lecours

08.27.2015 AT 02:09 PM
Any maintenance windows applied to your serers ? If you enable Automatic Client Upgrade and have maintenance windows applied to your clients, the clients will adhere to the maintenance windows regardless of the Automatic Client Upgrade checkbox. Therefore, if the clients are not in a maintenance window when the scheduled task runs, the automatic upgrade will not take place.


08.27.2015 AT 03:27 PM
Yes the servers have maintenance windows. I had an idea that could effect this... So what's the best approach for updating the server clients? Re-run Install client task?

Benoit Lecours

08.31.2015 AT 03:00 PM
I would use client push as you have more control on it. (Create a collection of the target systems and deploy)

Jason Denness

08.26.2015 AT 09:23 AM
Hi I am trying to run the SC2012_SP2_Configmgr_SCEP splash, I click install but the upgrade option is greyed out. the only option I have is to uninstall. I have SCCM 2012 R2 version 5.0.7958.1000 installed at the moment. do I have to run another update before I can upgrade? thanks for helping Jason

Jason Denness

08.27.2015 AT 04:32 AM
I've updated to CU5 but the upgrade option is greyed out still.

Jason Denness

08.27.2015 AT 05:05 AM
Found this fix. upgrade option is available now. gonna try and upgrade. To Fix: - In the registry, under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SMS\Setup\Phase - Change 7 (Decimal) to 255 (Decimal) - Rerun the "Configuration Manager 2012 SP1 Setup Wizard". You will now have these options: + Upgrade this Configuration Manager site + Recover a site + Uninstall this Configuration Manager site

Benoit Lecours

08.27.2015 AT 09:26 AM
Hi Jason, First time I heard about this. Where did you find the solution to this ? Is is documented ? I would like to try to replicate this in my lab. Thanks.

Jason Denness

08.27.2015 AT 09:54 AM
Hi I think when I originally installed SCCM there might have been an issue I was unaware of and that's why it was grayed out. I found the fix here. I have now successfully upgraded and have deployed the client, all thanks to your instructions. Thanks


08.25.2015 AT 02:54 PM
I ran the testdbupgrade successfully and moved on to running the upgrade on my development SCCM2012 server. It failed with below error message. ERROR: SQL Server error: [42000][4929][Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Cannot alter the table 'MeterData' because it is being published for replication. Configuration Manager Setup 8/25/2015 2:39:32 PM 4184 (0x1058) *** declare @VarName nvarchar(128) ~declare @VarSql nvarchar(400) ~select @VarName = OBJECT_NAME(parent_object_id) from sys.objects where object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'meterdata_pk') ~IF @VarName IS NOT NULL ~begin ~ SET @VarSql = N'ALTER TABLE ' + @VarName + N' DROP CONSTRAINT [meterdata_pk] ' ~ execute(@VarSql) ~end Configuration Manager Setup 8/25/2015 2:39:32 PM 4184 (0x1058) *** [42000][3727][Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Could not drop constraint. See previous errors. Configuration Manager Setup 8/25/2015 2:39:32 PM 4184 (0x1058) ERROR: SQL Server error: [42000][3727][Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Could not drop constraint. See previous errors. Configuration Manager Setup 8/25/2015 2:39:32 PM 4184 (0x1058) INFO: Executing SQL Server command: Configuration Manager Setup 8/25/2015 2:39:32 PM 4184 (0x1058) ERROR: Failed to execute SQL Server command: Configuration Manager Setup 8/25/2015 2:39:32 PM 4184 (0x1058) ERROR: Failed to clean up SqlKeys array. Configuration Manager Setup 8/25/2015 2:39:33 PM 4184 (0x1058) ~===================== Failed Configuration Manager 2012 Server Setup - Upgrade ===================== Configuration Manager Setup 8/25/2015 2:39:33 PM 4184 (0x1058) I verified beforehand that Management Point Database was not using database replica. I’m at a loss.


08.25.2015 AT 05:28 PM
So I figured out how to remove the replication from ERROR: SQL Server error: [42S02][208][Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Invalid object name 'dbo.fn_SplitString'. : MDM_ProcessUserAssignmentForApp Configuration Manager Setup 8/25/2015 3:21:30 PM 4600 (0x11F8) ~===================== Failed Configuration Manager 2012 Server Setup - Upgrade ===================== Configuration Manager Setup 8/25/2015 3:21:30 PM 4600 (0x11F8)

Benoit Lecours

08.27.2015 AT 09:30 AM
How to disable replication was available in our procedure. Was it missing something ? Just to know if I need to update it. Have you try a complete server reboot after disabling the replicas ?


08.27.2015 AT 09:46 AM
When I started I verified that Management Point Database replication was disabled. This is a single site. It appears my predecessor must have enabled it at one time. When I removed replication via SQL studio and restarted the upgrade that's when I got the other error ERROR: SQL Server error: [42S02][208][Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Invalid object name ‘dbo.fn_SplitString’. : MDM_ProcessUserAssignmentForApp Configuration Manager Setup 8/25/2015 3:21:30 PM 4600 (0x11F8). I restored both the site server and database server from a vm snapshot and I'm starting again. Removing and disabling replication from SQL first.


08.27.2015 AT 01:18 PM
After making sure to remove and disable replication via SQL studio I was able to complete the upgrade. Just one critical error left to resolve.

sccm anonymous

08.23.2015 AT 10:30 PM
Hi, I have a query on software patching of CAS and its remote SQL server. If CAS cannot manage client and there is no DP and MP, how do I do software update on the CAS server and its remote SQL server? Is it better to upgrade from primary sites to CAS rather than freshly installed CAS as the standalone primary site will be converted to a child primary site and therefore able to manage and do software update on itself and the remote SQL server? Thanks in advance.

david stanson

08.28.2015 AT 05:00 AM
I recently thinking of managing my 3 environment with SCCM. This is one of the considerations being inquired too. Hope can get some help too.


08.20.2015 AT 01:10 PM
Hi sorry but my english is poor. I upgraded today my infrastructure TEST (not in production) of sccm 2012 R2 to SP1 with successfully. thanks for your guide 🙂. I have on primary server and 2 servers distribution point. In the console, I see a new package named : "configuration manager client upgrade package ". is it normal ? because, the package (Configuration Manager Client Package) is already present and is up to date and copied on server DP. however, the new package "the configuration manager client upgrade package " is bloked. update content on distribution point doesn't work. can you help me ? thanks in advance

Benoit Lecours

08.21.2015 AT 10:11 AM
Bonjour, Je vous suggère de lire cet article qui explique bien les 2 packages. Tout est normal dans ce que vous décrivez.


08.18.2015 AT 02:57 PM
Hi thnx for this guide. Im planning to install SP1, but im questioning myself if i have to install CU1 right after it and then update the local clients... Or should i install SP1 first then wait for all the clients to be updated?

Benoit Lecours

08.18.2015 AT 03:00 PM
Hi Rogier, If you're planning to install CU1 after the setup, go directly to the CU1 version. You could then use the new automatic upgrade feature to ease the work. Don't bother updating twice your clients.


08.19.2015 AT 02:01 AM
Hi Benoit, So if im clear: i can install SP1 and after that i can install CU1 and then focus on (auto) deploying the CU1 version?

Benoit Lecours

08.19.2015 AT 12:38 PM

Mark Giemza

08.17.2015 AT 12:34 PM
Anyone know how to create an application or package to push the R2 SP1 admin console out as an upgrade or new installation? I've tried building one with AdminConsole.msi and ConsoleSetup.exe. I've tried /q with parameters and I tried it without /q and no parameters. Nothing seems to work. Always fails.

Nicolas Pilon

08.18.2015 AT 12:42 PM
Hi Mark, Have you try to use an application to install the console instead of package? You can follow the guide. Thanks

Mark Giemza

08.18.2015 AT 12:48 PM
I did get this to work creating an application. My problem was that I was leaving off the TargetDir switch when using /q. I did not know that was a required switch with /q. Thank you for helping!


08.18.2015 AT 03:37 AM
i would like to learn about a proper way of creating package for the console push out too! thanks!