I did blog post year ago on Microsoft office product versions with its architecture type and count. But lately, my blog readers have requested to add Office 365 ProPlus product into the report.

The Original Office Product report was created to include all Microsoft Office products from Office 2007 to Office 2016 but it doesn’t have any click-to-run (C2R) products which are Office 365. So we started looking around and developed the report for you.

This free report will have all Microsoft Office products information with its architecture type (x86 or x64) and the count. The report can be run on a specific collection which is useful to scope specific group of machines.

This can be used as all-in-one SCCM report for Microsoft Office product versions with architecture type.

This report comes with a drill-down feature to see the list of all devices with the selected product. You’ll need our Asset –  Installed Software report for the drill-down feature.

sccm report office product
  • Click on the number of installations to see the list of machines. (Available if the Asset – Installed Software is on your server)
sccm report office product

Why does it show more entries than the first report?

The multiple entries are caused because of of the language pack installed on the machine.  1 PC has English, japan and Korea languages installed hence it shows 3 entries.

The 3 entries show also in programs and features as well in resource explorer for the device in SCCM.

You can download this free SCCM Office product report by visiting our product page. The Asset– Office Products report is available to download.

  • For the drill-down report, you also need to download Asset – Installed Software report.
  • Upload both the reports into the same folder, change the data source and run the report.
  • Make sure the views v_GS_Installed_Software WMI class enables for inventory in the Asset Intelligence node.

We hope this SCCM report will help you easily identify all your Office products.

Comments (17)


07.09.2021 AT 06:29 AM
when running the report I still get the error "Invalid object name 'dbo.v_GS_WORKSTATION_STATUS'." Make sure the views v_GS_Installed_Software WMI class is enabled for inventory in the Asset Intelligence node. I've checked asset intelligence is enabled and if I run a query again that table in management studio against that table i do get info... not sure wot else im doing incorrect.


12.11.2020 AT 10:53 AM
This is a great report. Needs to be updated though to include the new 365 install name "Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise"

Jonathan Lefebvre

12.14.2020 AT 11:45 AM
Hi, yes, it is in the to-do list 🙂 thanks Jonathan


02.09.2021 AT 03:15 PM
I got an email today that there was an update to this report. I dont see a change log, so is the update possibly the inclusion of Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise?


06.29.2020 AT 02:50 AM
Hi thanks for that nice Report. Does anybody has a solution for also getting all the Home and Business Versions? The H&B Versions 2016 are named like “Microsoft Office Home and Business 2016 – de-de” , or “Microsoft Office Home and Business 2016 – en-us”. I tried to update the query by myself but after that try i got around 45k Office versions instead of something around 5k ?

Robert Pugh

06.17.2020 AT 05:14 AM
Hello all and thanks for this report. It is extremely helpful, especially incorporating it with the drill down reports. I did have a question about this one however that a colleague pointed out to me. In a custom report I created from scratch, I found numerous Microsoft Visio Premium installations but on this report, it does not find that software even with the variable %visio%. Has anyone seen that? When I use the v_add_remove_programs view, I can see them in my report. I do realize it may be due to the added details of the report itself such as the architecture, file location, etc.

Robert Pugh

06.17.2020 AT 05:32 AM
Ah found out what it was. I just needed to add the lines OR (arp.ARPDisplayName0 LIKE 'Microsoft %Premium%' AND arp.ProductID0 LIKE '%-%') and they show now.

Nicolas Pilon

06.22.2020 AT 07:47 PM
Hey Robert... No visio in the name of the application? for an application Visio Premium?

Nicolas Pilon

05.21.2020 AT 09:03 AM
We had a couple of customers that came back to us with the problem where the report run without any data. Make sure the views v_GS_Installed_Software WMI class is enabled for inventory in the Asset Intelligence node.


10.15.2019 AT 10:02 PM
I'm not sure what I've done wrong. After importing and setting the Data Source I go to run the report but it gives me "No device found". Is there a Client Setting prerequisite that I need to turn on in order for the information to load? The "Asset - Office 365 Inventory" report loads fine but this one does not. I know I can get the information via making a query in a collection pertaining to Office products.

Josh Briscoe

03.05.2020 AT 01:36 PM
I have the same exact issue. The report comes back blank no matter the changes I make. Like you I pulled the report for “Asset – Office 365 Inventory” and it returns results. Is there any update to why this report is coming back with no data?

Eswar Koneti

03.05.2020 AT 01:46 PM
Hi, Do you see any data for asset - office products? Where is your issue ?

Eswar Koneti

03.05.2020 AT 01:46 PM
Hi, Do you see any data for asset - office products? Where is your issue ? Thanks, Eswar


09.12.2019 AT 02:18 PM
Thank you for this! Amazing!

Roy Essers

08.30.2019 AT 01:57 AM
Great report, allthough it will also contian Visual Studio in the results, as you query on 'Microsoft %Professional%', so I change line: OR (arp.ARPDisplayName0 LIKE 'Microsoft %Professional%' AND arp.ProductName0 LIKE '%-%') to OR (arp.ARPDisplayName0 LIKE 'Microsoft %Professional%' AND arp.ARPDisplayName0 NOT LIKE '%Visual Studio%' AND arp.ProductName0 LIKE '%-%')

Eswar Koneti

08.30.2019 AT 01:45 AM
Thank you 🙂

Anoop C Nair

08.30.2019 AT 01:42 AM
This is nice and useful. New stuff and new blog ????