This post describes how to inventory Office 365 using SCCM 1606. We will also provide a free report at the end of the post that you could use on your Reporting Point to easily display Office 365 inventory data.

SCCM 1606 introduces new hardware inventory classes for Office 365 configurations. You no longer need to edit your MOF files to gather Office 365 inventory. If you are using SCCM 1602 or below, follow Jason Sandys post which describes Office 365 inventory process using a MOF customization.

If your goal is to deploy Office 365 updates, refer to our post on how to manage Office 365 updates using SCCM.

SCCM Office 365 inventory report post summary :

  • Office 365 Inventory Data explained
  • How to enable Office 365 Inventory classes
  • Verify Office 365 Inventory data on a client
  • How to upload and use our free Office 365 report

SCCM Office 365 Inventory Report – Direct Download link

SCCM Office 365 Report

If you don’t want to read the whole post, you can download the RDL file directly using this link :

  • You can download this free report by visiting our product page. The Asset – Office 365 report is available in the Report / Asset Section.

Office 365 Inventory Data

Office 365 is using new update channels and update mechanisms. Tracking versions and update channels is an important task. The good news is that it’s easy to do using SCCM 1606 but the data needs to be interpreted as it’s not straightforward (mostly for the update channel).

Here’s the complete definition of the update channel and its meaning :

Update Channels

Insider Preview / Monthly (Targeted)
Semi-Annual (Targeted)

Other data

Here’s the definition of other information gathered by the new hardware class. We haven’t found definitions for all fields, unfortunately, Technet documentation is not completed. If you have any information on your environment, feel free to share it using the comment section.

FieldValue Example
InstallationPathC:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office
ClientInstallationFolderC:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\ClickToRun
VersionToReport (Version)16.0.6741.2056
ClientCulture (Language)en-us / fr-fr
CDNBaseUrl (Channel)See Channels table
UpdatesEnabledTrue / False
Platform (Architecture)x86 / x64
LastScenarioResultsSuccess / Failure
CCMManagedUpdateNotify Object
AutoUpgradeTrue / False
GPOChannelSee Channels table

How to enable Office 365 Inventory

After upgrading to SCCM 1606, your Default Client Settings should already gather the new inventory class. Here’s the step to check if it’s enabled :

  • Open the SCCM Console
  • Go to Administration / Client Settings
  • Right-Click your Default Client Setting, select Properties
SCCM Office 365 inventory report
  • Click on Hardware Inventory
  • Click on Set Classes
SCCM Office 365 inventory report
  • Ensure that Office365ProPlusConfiguration is enabled, click OK (remove unneeded field if necessary)
SCCM Office 365 inventory report


Now that our classes are enabled, trigger a Machine Policy Retrieval & Evaluation Cycle (to have the latest Client Settings) followed by an Hardware inventory Cycle on a computer that has Office installed. Once the inventory is completed, check the inventory using Resource Explorer :

  • In the SCCM Console
  • Right-Click your device, select Start / Resource Explorer
  • Confirm that you have OFFICE365PROPLUSCONFIGURATIONS listed
SCCM Office 365 inventory report

SCCM Office 365 inventory report

Now that your inventory is gathering Office 365 data, we created a report to display the results. This report is free to use.

Sccm office 365 report

To use the report :

Is this information useful? Share your comments using the comment section.

Comments (98)


09.08.2021 AT 12:28 PM
Hello, How to add Office versions? I have a lot of obsolete versions remaining. Thanks, Dom


09.04.2020 AT 03:32 PM
@Benoit I'm also having the same issue. Can someone please help investigate this? An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted) Query execution failed for dataset 'DataSet1'. (rsErrorExecutingCommand) For more information about this error navigate to the report server on the local server machine, or enable remote errors


09.15.2020 AT 01:31 PM
We are experiencing the same _sde.v_generalinfo error, running on CB2006. This report came bundled with our purchase of all the custom reports. Anyone figure out why this isn't working?

Nicolas Pilon

09.21.2020 AT 03:05 PM
Hello, We did the required modification in our latest version of the Office 365 report to resolve the issue of _sde.v_generalinfo. Please download here : Thanks


11.03.2020 AT 08:06 PM
Hi Nicolas, Thank you for the update. We purchased the entire SCCM Reports Bundle. The new version fixes the issue. I'm curious, what is the difference between the "Asset - Office 365" and "Asset - Office 365 2008" report? Thanks!

Jonathan Lefebvre

11.05.2020 AT 10:26 AM
Hi Abfsailor, the only difference is for compatibility with older SQL reporting services. Otherwise, the exact same query. Jonathan

08.20.2020 AT 01:49 PM
@tocatech I have the same problem, looking at two separate instances of SCCM and neither have _sde.v_generalinfo as a Table or a View. I'm curious if this was a custom table written for one of the reports. An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted) Query execution failed for dataset 'DataSet1'. (rsErrorExecutingCommand) Invalid object name '_sde.v_generalinfo'.

Nicolas Pilon

09.21.2020 AT 03:05 PM
Hello, We did the required modification in our latest version of the Office 365 report to resolve the issue of _sde.v_generalinfo. Please download here : Thanks


07.31.2020 AT 08:33 AM
HI Guys, I imported the report but receive an error "Invalid object name '_sde.v_generalinfo'. ---------------------------- Query execution failed for dataset 'DataSet1'. (rsErrorExecutingCommand) ---------------------------- An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted)" When i copy the query from the dataset into SQL management studio i can see it cannot find sde.v_generalinfo view or table.... Does anyone know why my sccm DB would not have this table or view? I'm on version 1910 hotfix KB4537079


06.29.2020 AT 02:47 AM
Hi thanks for that nice Report. Does anybody has a solution for also getting all the Home and Business Versions? The H&B Versions 2016 are named like "Microsoft Office Home and Business 2016 - de-de" , or "Microsoft Office Home and Business 2016 - en-us". I tried to update the query by myself but after that try i got around 45k Office versions instead of something around 5k 🙂


06.29.2020 AT 02:51 AM
posted under the wrong report - sorry!


04.30.2020 AT 10:27 AM
Great report! Thank you.


01.24.2020 AT 07:50 AM
I was wondering about possibility to add "Domain" row or possibility to filter this report by device collection, is this possible?


01.24.2020 AT 07:50 AM
I was wondering about possiblity to add "Domain" row or possibility to filter this report by device collection, is this possible?

Paul Edwards

09.27.2019 AT 03:53 AM
Hi, This is a great report, thank you. However, I seem to have a bit of an issue and wondered if you could throw some light on it. I have over 200 machines that appear in the report that I am certain DON'T have Office365 installed. But the only fields that are populated in the report (and in the h/w inventory) are the 'Key Name', 'Version to Report', and 'CDN Base URL'. All other fields are empty. Any idea why these are populated for a relatively small group of PCs that do not have Office365?


06.12.2019 AT 09:20 PM
its works perfectly but how to add more dataset? i tried to modify the dataset to show product name as well but it doesnt show. i want to see the office products installed?


06.03.2019 AT 03:37 AM


05.17.2019 AT 08:57 AM
Very nice report, Exactly what I needed. Thank you.


04.26.2019 AT 05:12 PM
Hello, First, I would like to thank you! Works great! but, I have this issue when I click on the devices name I'm getting this error Device' cannot be found. (rsItemNotFound). Please help. Thanks again

Paul Edwards

09.27.2019 AT 03:57 AM
Roland - if you hover over one of the device names in the report, it tells you that you also need the 'Dashboard - Device' report for the click-through to work.

Rene Caballero

03.06.2019 AT 10:03 AM
Office 365 report works great. How do we add a column on the report that displays the Full User name? Thank you

Paul Edwards

09.27.2019 AT 04:08 AM
Launch the report editor. Then open the first Dataset in the report. Edit the query and add a line for Username after the line for DeviceName, like so: SELECT SYS.ResourceID DeviceID, SYS.Name0 DeviceName, SYS.User_Name0, OFI.Platform0 Platform, Note that you need to do this twice - scroll down the query until you see the UNION statement and then the SELECT statement is repeated. You need to add it here too. Click OK to save the query. Then you need to add the column in the report. Click on the 'Device Name' column and use 'Insert Column - right'. Then click in the lower text box and add 'Username'.

Paul Edwards

09.27.2019 AT 04:11 AM
Sorry I missed off part of the line when copying: SELECT SYS.ResourceID DeviceID, SYS.Name0 DeviceName, SYS.User_Name0 Username, OFI.Platform0 Platform,

05.01.2019 AT 01:36 PM
Rene Did you find out how to add the username?


03.25.2019 AT 11:46 AM
+1 for this


03.01.2019 AT 12:05 PM
Thanks a lot, 🙂

Matt Armstrong

01.08.2019 AT 07:25 PM
I just wanted to say thanks for creating and offering the free report. This is really helpful in our organization! Worked like a charm.

Shailendra Kumar

11.08.2018 AT 07:00 AM
I have uploaded the same RDL and change the Correct Datsource, but not showing any Result for installed O365 ProPlus version - 15.0.4823.1002. I am using SCCM CB 1710


08.06.2019 AT 01:51 AM
Hi, Did you get a reply to this? I'm trying to detect older versions also.


09.27.2018 AT 01:49 PM
How do you add user security to limit data view for lower level admin users ?


09.23.2018 AT 06:54 PM
Hi There, With the latest update to SCCM 1710, the graphs in the report seems to be missing. Is there something additional I need to do. This report was working perfectly before.

Tsebo Moloto

07.11.2018 AT 03:04 AM
Hi, I haven't received the RDL yet, is it possible for it to be sent again. Thanks. Tsebo

Jonathan Lefebvre

07.12.2018 AT 09:08 AM
Hi Tsebo, you can request it again. You may need to try alternate email address. thanks Jonathan