The third hotfix for SCCM Current Branch (1610) is now available. This post is a complete SCCM 1610 Update Rollup 3 (KB4010155)  installation guide. If you’re looking for a complete SCCM 1511 installation guide, see our blog series which covers it all. You can’t install this upgrade if you are running SCCM 2012. You need to be running at least SCCM 1610.

Installing SCCM upgrades is important for your infrastructure. It fixes a lot of issues from SCCM 1610, which some of them are important.

New Update and Servicing Model

If you’re not familiar with the new SCCM servicing model, read our New Update and Servicing section of the 1602 upgrade post which explain it all.

You may wonder what’s the difference between a Cumulative Update (CU) and an Update Rollup (UR) :

A CU is a new servicing baseline. A post-CU1 hotfix requires CU1 first, whereas a post-UR1 hotfix doesn’t require UR1. Like CU, UR are cumulative which means that UR2 will include previous hotfixes.

*If you are running SCCM 1511, 1602 or 1606, you first need to upgrade to 1610 prior to apply this Update Rollup, see our blog which covers the upgrade process. Once completed, the Update Rollup 3 will be available under Update and Servicing node.

SCCM 1610 Update Rollup 3 Fixes

Consult this support page for a full list of issues fixed.

Before you begin

Downloading and installing this update is done entirely from the console. There’s no download link, the update will appear in your console once synchronized.

When you install an in-console update: (New Versions,CU,UR,KB)

  • It automatically runs a prerequisite check. You can also run this check prior to starting the installation
  • It installs at the central administration site (if you have one), and at primary sites automatically. You can control when each primary site server is allowed to update its infrastructure by using Service Windows for site servers
  • After a site server updates, all affected site system roles (including instances of the SMS Provider) automatically update. Configuration Manager consoles also prompt the console user to update the console, after the site installs the update
  • If an update includes the Configuration Manager client, you are offered the option to test the update in pre-production, or to apply the update to all clients immediately
  • After a primary site is updated, secondary sites do not automatically update. Instead, you must initiate the secondary site update

In this post, we’ll be updating a standalone Primary Site Server, console and clients.


It’s a best practice to have some exclusions for your antivirus/anti-malware software on the SCCM server. Here a list for exclusions from SCCM 2012, which is still valid for CB as far as we know.You could also consider disabling the AV prior to installing the update and re-enable it once completed.

Before installing, check if your site is ready for the update :

  • Open the SCCM console
  • Go to Administration \ Cloud Services \ Updates and Servicing
  • In the State column, ensure that the update is Available
SCCM 1610 Update Rollup 3
SCCM 1610 Update Rollup 3
  • If it’s not available, right-click Updates and Servicing and select Check for Updates
SCCM 1610 Update Rollup 3
  • The update state will change to Downloading
  • You can follow the download in Dmpdownloader.log
SCCM 1610 Update Rollup 3
  • The update files are stored in the EasyPayload folder in your SCCM Installation directory
SCCM 1610 Update Rollup 3

SCCM 1610 Update Rollup 3 Installation Guide

Step 1 | SCCM 1610 Update Rollup 3 Prerequisite Check

Before launching the update, we recommend to launch the prerequisite check :

  • Open the SCCM console
  • Go to Administration \ Cloud Services \ Updates and Servicing
  • Right-click the Configuration Manager 1610 Hotfix (KB4010155) update and select Run prerequisite check
SCCM 1610 Update Rollup 3
  • Nothing will happen, the prerequisite check runs in the background. All menu options will be grayed out during the check
SCCM 1610 Update Rollup 3
  • You can  monitor prerequisite check by going to Monitoring / Site Servicing Status, right-click your Update Name and select Show Status
SCCM 1610 Update Rollup 3
  • When completed the State column will show Prerequisite check passed
SCCM 1610 Update Rollup 3

Step 2 | Launching the SCCM 1610 Update Rollup 3

We are now ready to launch the SCCM 1610 Update rollup 3. At this point, plan about 30 minutes for the update installation.

  • Right click the Configuration Manager 1610 update and select Install Update Pack
SCCM 1610 Update Rollup 3
  • On the General tab, click Next
SCCM 1610 Update Rollup 3
  • In the Client Update Options, select the desired option for your client update
    • This new feature allows to update only clients member of a specific collection. Refer to our post here
SCCM 1610 Update Rollup 3
  • On the License Terms tab, accept the licence terms and click Next
SCCM 1610 Update Rollup 3
  • On the Summary tab, review your choices and click Next
SCCM 1610 Update Rollup 3
  • On the Completion tab, close the wizard. The whole process took a minute but the installation is not over, it has been initiated
SCCM 1610 Update Rollup 3
  • During installation, the State column changes to Installing
  • You can  monitor installation by going to Monitoring / Site Servicing Status, right-click your Update Name and select Show Status
SCCM 1610 Update Rollup 3
  • … or you can follow detailed installation progress in SCCM Installation Directory\Logs\CMUpdate.log
SCCM 1610 Update Rollup 3
We’ve done numerous SCCM 1610 installation/upgrade. Some installation start a couple of minutes after you complete the wizard but we’ve seen some installation starts after a 10 minutes delay. Do not reboot or restart any services during this period or your update could be stuck in “Prerequisite check passed” status and all other options greyed out. There’s actually no officially documented methods by Microsoft to fix that. Patience is the key !
  • When completed, you’ll notice the message There are no pending update package to be processed in the log file
  • Monitoring / Site Servicing Status, right-click your Update Name and select Show Status, the last step will be Installation Succeeded
SCCM 1610 Update Rollup 3
  • Refresh the Updates and Servicing node, the State column will be Installed
SCCM 1610 Update Rollup 3

Updating the consoles

Since 1602, the console has an auto-update feature. At console opening, if you are not running the latest version, you will receive a warning and the update will start automatically.

  • Since all updates operations were initiated from the console, we didn’t close it during the process. We received a warning message when clicking certain objects. You will have the same message when opening a new console
SCCM 1610 Update Rollup 3
  • Click OK,  console update will starts automatically
SCCM 1610 Update Rollup 3
SCCM 1610 Update Rollup 3
SCCM 1610 Update Rollup 3
  • Wait for the process to complete. You can follow the progress in C:\ConfigMgrAdminUISetup.log and C:\ConfigMgrAdminUISetupVerbose.log. Once completed, the console will open and you’ll be running the latest version



After setup is completed, verify the build number of the console. If the console upgrade was successful, the build number will be 5.0.8458.1520. Note that the Site Version is not changed to the Update rollup version. This is normal.

SCCM 1610 Update Rollup 3


The client version will be updated to 5.00.8458.1520 (after updating, see section below)

SCCM 1610 Update Rollup 3

SCCM 1610 Update rollup 3 Client Package distribution

You’ll see that the 2 client packages are updated :

  • Navigate to Software Library \ Application Management \ Packages
SCCM 1610 Update Rollup 3
  • Check if both package were updated, if not, select both package and initiate a Distribute Content to your distribution points

Updating the Clients

Our preferred way to update our clients is by using the Client Upgrade feature :

  • Open the SCCM Console
  • Go to Administration / Site Configuration / Sites
  • Click the Hierarchy Settings in the top ribbon
  • Select Client Upgrade tab
  • The Upgrade client automatically when the new client update are available checkbox has been enabled
  • Review your time frame and adjust it to your needs
SCCM 1610 Update Rollup 3

* See note above about client version not being .1520 on the local client

Monitor SCCM Client Version Number

You can see our SCCM Client version reports to give detailed information about every clients versions in your environment. It’s the easiest way to track your client updates.

SCCM 2012 - System Health Configuration Manager SS


You can also create a collection that targets clients without the latest client version. I use it to monitor which client haven’t been updated yet.

Here’s the query to achieve this: (You can also refer to our Set of Operational Collection Powershell Script which contains this collection)

select SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceID,SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceType,SMS_R_SYSTEM.Name,SMS_R_SYSTEM.SMSUniqueIdentifier,SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceDomainORWorkgroup,SMS_R_SYSTEM.Client from SMS_R_System where SMS_R_System.ClientVersion != '5.00.8458.1520'

Happy updating ! ?

Comments (32)

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Jordan Cobb

04.04.2017 AT 09:34 AM
You say "Check if both package were updated", but then don't describe how to do that. I assume we can look at the timestamp on the Data Source tab > Source version field.

Jonathan Lefebvre

04.04.2017 AT 10:32 AM
Hi Jordan, You are right! We will include a screen shot for future post. Thanks! Jonathan

Glenn Smith

03.31.2017 AT 01:12 PM
Hi Jonathan, Does the 1610 Hotfix KB4010155 require any Winpe boot image updates? Thanks, Glenn

Jonathan Lefebvre

04.03.2017 AT 10:37 AM
Hi Glenn, I'd say no as there is no information about WinPE boot image in the change log. Jonathan


03.27.2017 AT 07:33 AM
Hey guys, One more thing, there is another bug which causes error while adding a boundary group to distribution point. Here is a fix:

Jonathan Lefebvre

03.27.2017 AT 08:11 AM
HI Vlad, Thanks for sharing this hotfix! As a work around, you can add Distribution point to Boundary group. This work. Issue was flagged to be fixed with 1702 also. Jonathan


03.10.2017 AT 07:48 AM
In the environment I am in the console prompts that there is a new console update but if you are not a local administrator it gives a UAC prompt which means the user is not able to go to the latest version. I would like to push out the MSP, which I have the command line to do this but it installs under Installed Updates visible in Control Panel. Does anyone have a script to view if this patch exists so I can use it as a Detection method?

Ruben Garcia

03.08.2017 AT 12:04 PM
Hi. After applying this update, everything works fine, except in the console administrator, when I choose to ADD a Boundary Group in a Distribution Point Properties, it shows an error apparently related with Framework. Error generated in the Event Viewer of the SCCM server: Log Name: Application Source: .NET Runtime Date: 08-Mar-17 12:58:18 PM Event ID: 1026 Task Category: None Level: Error Keywords: Classic User: N/A Computer: SCCM-Server Description: Application: Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.exe Framework Version: v4.0.30319 Description: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception. Exception Info: System.InvalidOperationException at System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.VerifyAccess() at System.Windows.DependencyObject.GetValue(System.Windows.DependencyProperty) at Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.UI.Controls.Internal.ManagementList.get_List() at Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.UI.Controls.Internal.ManagementList.ResetView() at Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.UI.WpfViews.GridView.OnColumnsChanged(System.Object, System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs) at System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection`1[[System.__Canon, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]].OnCollectionChanged(System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs) at System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection`1[[System.__Canon, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]].ClearItems() at System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1[[System.__Canon, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]].Clear() at Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.UI.WpfViews.GridViewController.OnColumnsChanged(System.Object, System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs) at System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection`1[[System.__Canon, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]].OnCollectionChanged(System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs) at System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection`1[[System.__Canon, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]].ClearItems() at System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1[[System.__Canon, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]].Clear() at Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.AdminConsole.ConsoleView.ViewController.Dispose(Boolean) at Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.AdminConsole.DetailPanel.ConsoleViewController.Dispose(Boolean) at System.ComponentModel.Component.Finalize() Event Xml: 1026 2 0 0x80000000000000 783229 Application PCSDQ030.ibsdom.loc Application: Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.exe Framework Version: v4.0.30319 Description: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception. Exception Info: System.InvalidOperationException at System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.VerifyAccess() at System.Windows.DependencyObject.GetValue(System.Windows.DependencyProperty) at Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.UI.Controls.Internal.ManagementList.get_List() at Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.UI.Controls.Internal.ManagementList.ResetView() at Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.UI.WpfViews.GridView.OnColumnsChanged(System.Object, System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs) at System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection`1[[System.__Canon, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]].OnCollectionChanged(System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs) at System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection`1[[System.__Canon, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]].ClearItems() at System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1[[System.__Canon, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]].Clear() at Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.UI.WpfViews.GridViewController.OnColumnsChanged(System.Object, System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs) at System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection`1[[System.__Canon, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]].OnCollectionChanged(System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs) at System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection`1[[System.__Canon, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]].ClearItems() at System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1[[System.__Canon, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]].Clear() at Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.AdminConsole.ConsoleView.ViewController.Dispose(Boolean) at Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.AdminConsole.DetailPanel.ConsoleViewController.Dispose(Boolean) at System.ComponentModel.Component.Finalize() Does anyone else have this problem?

Jonathan Lefebvre

03.08.2017 AT 02:31 PM
Hi Rubben, I've been able to reproduce the error you have. Work around for now is to do this trough the Boundary group and select the DP from there. Will report this issue. Jonathan

Jonathan Lefebvre

03.08.2017 AT 02:54 PM
Here the link for the report if you want to up vote Thanks Jonathan


03.07.2017 AT 02:31 AM
Hi, Where can i found the sccm console setup for the 5.00.8458.1520 version (ConsoleSetup.exe) ? Thanks

Jonathan Lefebvre

03.07.2017 AT 08:48 AM
Hi Barbuslex, There is no complete ConsoleSetup.exe for minor release. you can find the MSP for the update here : C:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\bin\i386\ConsoleUpdate\configmgr1610-adminui-kb4010155-i386.msp thanks Jonathan


03.06.2017 AT 04:22 AM
I provide the update, but now the Software Center is not started anymore. "Software Center can not be loaded. There is a problem locading the required components for Software Center. You can try......" Anyone has the same issue? How can it be solved? Waiting seems not the answer here 🙁 I am waiting for an hour already...

Jonathan Lefebvre

03.23.2017 AT 12:06 PM
HI, Microsoft as confirmed the bug and posted a FIX as a workaround for this issue. Hope this help! Jonathan


03.10.2017 AT 02:48 PM
Is this using the classic software center, or the new software center, or both?

Jeff R

03.08.2017 AT 02:17 PM
Same issue. "system center can not be loaded" on client systems.

Jeff R

03.08.2017 AT 02:28 PM
Looking at the possibility of users with user deployed available applications are seeing software center failure. SCClient.log: Unhandled exception was caught. (Microsoft.SoftwareCenter.Client.SingleInstanceApplication at OnGetException) Call to ExecuteMethod failed, WMI MethodName "GetDeviceIdEx", MethodClass "CCM_SoftwareCatalogUtilities", called by , error code -2147418113 (Microsoft.SoftwareCenter.Client.Data.WmiConnectionManager at ExecuteMethod)

Benoit Lecours

03.09.2017 AT 02:20 PM
Hi Jeff, can you please send me the full client log on an affected client ? I will forward it to the product group. Thank you.

Benoit Lecours

03.16.2017 AT 07:30 AM
The product group has close the bug and confirmed that the issue will be fixed in 1702.


03.07.2017 AT 02:36 PM
I am seeing the same issue as you, after installing this update the software center just says "No items found." for any packages that are deployed.


03.07.2017 AT 05:06 AM
I have the same issue as you. It's present on about 10% of the installations, both on Windows 8.1 and 2012 R2. Seems like it is calling some assembly under C:\vsto.... that it clearly can't find because it's not present on the machine. Maybe it's a development leftover. I also noticed that the same machines are not reporting back the MP something about theis status (the flag remains grey). Updates are still working (I have auto deplyment rules for Antimalware) on the affected clients so I will wait for the fix as soon as they release it...


03.09.2017 AT 10:28 AM
SCClient.log: <![LOG[Unable to find C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Software Center\.cache\GetBrandingInformationAsync (Microsoft.SoftwareCenter.Client.Data.FileCache+d__5 at MoveNext)]LOG]!> <![LOG[Unable to find C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Software Center\.cache\GetFilteredApplicationValuesForPropertyAsync-5-42526340 (Microsoft.SoftwareCenter.Client.Data.FileCache+d__5 at MoveNext)]LOG]!> <![LOG[Exception caught in UpdateCategoriesAsync, line 722, file C:\vso\_work\9\s\SoftwareCenter.ViewModels\SoftwareListViewModel.cs - Type System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. (Microsoft.SoftwareCenter.Client.ViewModels.SoftwareListViewModel+d__92 at MoveNext)]LOG]!> <![LOG[StackTrace: at Microsoft.Management.Services.SelfServicePortal.Plugins.SingularAsyncManager`1.d__10.MoveNext() --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task) at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) at Microsoft.Management.Services.SelfServicePortal.Plugins.SingularAsyncManager`1.d__c`1.MoveNext() --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task) at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) at Microsoft.Management.Services.SelfServicePortal.DataAccess.SccmDataPlugin.d__15.MoveNext() --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task) at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) at Microsoft.SoftwareCenter.Client.ViewModels.SoftwareListViewModel.d__92.MoveNext()]LOG]!>

Benoit Lecours

03.09.2017 AT 02:21 PM
Hi Jeff, can you please send me the full client log on an affected client ? I will forward it to the product group. Thank you.

Benoit Lecours

03.16.2017 AT 07:30 AM
The product group has close the bug and confirmed that the issue will be fixed in 1702.


03.03.2017 AT 09:45 AM
Jonathan, some of our admin console users do not have local admin rights to automatically upgrade. Do you have an example of creating a package to deploy to them?

Jonathan Lefebvre

03.03.2017 AT 11:31 AM
Hi Jill, I haven't test to manually package and update console, since the auto-update work so well. You could try to run the MSP for the console. It is available under : C:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\bin\i386\ConsoleUpdate\configmgr1610-adminui-kb4010155-i386.msp For major upgrade, you might need to package and reinstall the console completely(not the case here). Again, haven't needed to do so. Hope it will help. Jonathan


03.02.2017 AT 08:02 PM
Our clients show 5.00.8458.1520 after this RU.

Jonathan Lefebvre

03.02.2017 AT 08:27 PM
Hi Anthony, you are absolutly right! Rule number 1 with SCCM... be patient! They show up correctly now. I'll adjust the post as soon as possible. thanks Jonathan